01 April 2010


I need a baking hiatus for a few days... aka I will probably be baking in 3 days with my Mom on Easter, but three days is long enough, right? RIGHT??? Fine, I will just do more Body Pump! (what, swimsuit season!)

So random things I wanted to talk about, because I can.. it's my blog and I will write what I want to.  So since it is finally lovely, 80 degree, beach weather, you all need some good beach/pool side reading!  So I'm just going to list some good ones:

-He Just Not That In To You!- best. book. ever.- Hilarious, insightful, awesome, if you are female and not married, read it. NOW.

-I hope they serve beer in hell- This guy is the biggest ASS in the entire world. But he is hilarious. Read it, love it, read it in the car during a road trip to Tampa like I did, and then read the above book to make sure you NEVER EVER end up with someone like him... EVER.

-The Last Song, by Nicholas Sparks- Actually has a bittersweet ending that won't make you want to jump off a cliff like all his other books do... Yes, I know Miley Cyrus is in the movie (and, while I am secretly obsessed with her), you need to read the book, then see the movie if you want to (ps, its good! Saw it yesterday)

-Chasing Harry Winston, by Laura Weisberg- She also wrote the devil wears prada, It's a story about 3 amazing New York women, who vow to be married in one year.. read it, its amazing, these three woman are empowering and insightful.

-Something Borrowed and the sequel Something Blue, by Emily Griffith- Two great books about two incredibly different best friends, who, through stealing each other's men, realizing they are both snobby bitches, etc, find themselves... Great pool/beach read, or just a great one to curl up with in a hot bubble bath.

Need more?? I could give you a hundred, I frequent Barnes-n-Noble more than is necessary... message me if you need anymore ideas! 

Hope ya'll have a Happy Easter!

K, back to the pool to layout... I need a tan, I glow in the dark...literally...

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