14 November 2010

My crazy, happy, psychotic med school life

I haven't posted on here in forever... which makes me sad because that means I haven't cooked in forever.

I made some pumpkin cupcakes a couple weeks back for some of my classmates (huge hit! yay!), and I will probably post the recipe around Thanksgiving, when I will have the most glorious five days off.

Aside from studying 24/7, I have finally found my "niche" in medical school.  It took a lifetime of hard work, and two very trying years to get in... But after finishing our first module of med school and starting the second, I have to say I am the happiest I have even been in my life, which probably is mostly due to certain people in my class that make it easy to get out of bed at the awful hour of 6:30am and stay up studying until well after midnight.

My life is now summed up by many late nights of crazy 1st years blaring the Backstreet boys and dancing at 12:30am in Volker Hall (the med school building) to my now routine mental breakdown before every exam... but it's all worth it because one glorious day (about 10 years down the road) I will finally be able to setup a practice and do what I love, helping others.

Happy baking,

PS. I have to admit I went against my own rule and broke the cardinal sin... I bought brownie mix in a box... which I intend to make at some point this week... I am ashamed, and next time, they will be homemade... I swear!!